
The best saffron gardens

It can be said that saffron flower or red gold is the most valuable and expensive spice in the world. With its mysterious aroma and flavor, it adds a special flavor and decoration to food. Saffron is very popular in Iran, as the birthplace of this expensive spice, and is used in most foods and sweets. Therefore, saffron cultivation is one of the most popular and profitable businesses. However, planting saffron is a sensitive and precise process and varies according to weather conditions. In this article, we will examine the methods of planting saffron and finally, we will introduce organic fungicide products and strengthening fertilizers for saffron plants.
Saffron, popularly known as Zafarun, is a herbaceous plant of the lily family. This perennial plant is stemless and has a corm. Saffron is one of the most profitable products that has a perennial nature. It is taken from the Crocus Sativus plant. The saffron flower is purple in color, has six petals, a red stigma and three stamens. These stigmas are what determine the real value. Saffron propagates by creating central bulbs from the mother bulb. The saffron bulbs of this plant remain dormant in the ground during the summer months and begin growing again in early fall.

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